The Office of Planning and the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program (OP/CZM) invite you to the second set of informational workshops on rural planning to be held in each county during June 13-19, 2006.
Attached is a flyer and registration form with information on the dates, times, and locations for the workshops. Please feel free to pass this information along to friends, associates, and others in your organization or community.
The June workshops will explore a range of rural standards, alternative infrastructure and service standards, alternative site design, and other practices and tools that are being used to manage growth in rural areas and maintain rural communities, landscapes, and environmental quality. The workshops are part of the OP/CZM's Rural Policy & Best Practices Project, a project to assist the counties and the State in examining how rural land use policies and standards might be improved to ensure that Hawaii's rural areas and communities remain part of the legacy we leave to future generations.
If you attended a May workshop, we welcome you back to the upcoming workshop, and hope it will provide information to answer some of the key questions raised in the May workshops about rural planning. If you did not attend the May workshops, the June workshop will begin by recapping the key questions and highlights from the May workshop.
Registration for the June workshop:
Please fill out the registration form and return it to OP via email, mail, or fax.
A headcount is needed for the Oahu workshop, so please try to register before June 5, 2006.
Maps of the facilities can be found at the following links:
Hilo Room 306, Campus Center, University of Hawaii at Hilo Gallery Room, Maui Arts & Cultural Center -- number 6 on the map Maui Room, Second Floor, Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall -- access will be from the Concourse and the second floor lanai on the Ward Avenue side of the building
We hope that you will join us, and we look forward to a lively discussion! If you have any questions, please contact Ruby Edwards, (808) 587-2817,, or Sibel Mestanova, (808) 587-2898,