Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Help NPS Uncover the Untold Stories of Women in History

Many historic sites throughout the nation have rich resources in women's history and opportunities to interpret that history but are under-utilized for public educational purposes. A limited number have been recognized for that history, but many other sites deemed nationally significant do not address the stories of the women who lived, struggled, or worked there.

Have you been impressed by programming at a historic site that reveals what are often the hidden stories of women?

Please let us know!

The National Collaborative for Women's History Sites and the National Park Service want to help landmarks uncover the lives of the women in their histories. We are developing a "best-practices" model based on case studies of sites that have incorporated women's history into their programming. Upon completion, the NCWHS and NPS will make the development model available to historic sites nationally and internationally through hard copy and web-based products.

Nominate a site as a case study by filling out an online survey:

By completing the survey, that site may be selected to be interviewed and highlighted in the best-practices publication! If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Turton at (215) 597-1726 or catherine_turton@nps.gov.

Grant Deadline Announcement - National Trust Preservation Funds

The National Trust's Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors

Are you seeking grant funding for a project that involves a historic interior? The Mitchell Fund assists in the preservation, restoration and interpretation of historic interiors by supporting project planning activities, workshops and conferences, and educational programs. In the past, funded activities have included paint analysis, the conservation of textiles, historic furnishing plans, and fundraising plans; but the Trust is always looking for more creative projects that go beyond the usual activities associated with historic interiors. Click here to get an idea of some of the more innovative projects that have been funded in the past.

Grants from this fund range from $2,500 to $10,000. Nonprofit organizations and government agencies are eligible to apply. Individuals and for-profit businesses may also apply if the project for which funding is requested involves a National Historic Landmark. An electronic application form can be found on the National Trust website. The postmark deadline is February 1, 2008.

February 1, 2008 is also the deadline for the Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation, the Hart Family Fund for Small Towns grant program, and the National Trust Preservation Fund grants. More information on these grants can be found on the National Trust's website, or by contacting the National Trust regional office in your area.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Propose a Session for 2008 National Preservation Conference

The National Trust for Historic Preservation invites you to submit a proposal for an education session for the National Preservation Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 21 – 25, 2008. We seek proposals that present critical issues that challenge communities across the country and cutting-edge historic preservation strategies and models that address these. We invite a broad range of proposals that include cultural, subject matter, and geographic diversity. Information is available at http://www.nthpconference.org/sessions/

Friday, January 11
Proposal submission deadline

National Trust reviews, refines and/or combines session proposals

Thursday, March 1
Affinity event application deadline

Week of March 10
National Trust notifies applicants of acceptance or rejection of proposal

March 10-18
National Trust revises session description for inclusion in Preliminary Program

Monday, April 7
Session managers receive budget and speaker paperwork

Friday, April 25
Session budget and final speaker information due

Monday, June 2
National Trust mails Preliminary Program to session manager, moderator, and speakers with taping authorization and audio-visual equipment request forms

Wednesday, July 30
Recording authorization forms due

October 21-25
National Preservation Conference 2008

Monday, December 1
Expense reimbursement requests due

Questions? Please contact conference@nthp.org.
Begin the online submission process for Field Sessions, Education Sessions, Poster Sessions, and Affinity Events now. -->

Application Now Available for 2008 Battlefield Preservation Grants

Proposals are now being accepted for the 2008 American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) Battlefield Preservation Grants. Non-profit groups, academic institutions, and local, regional, state, and tribal governments are encouraged to apply. Types of eligible projects include:
  • Archeology
  • Cultural Landscape Inventories
  • Cultural Resource Documentation
  • GIS Mapping
  • National Register Nominations
  • Preservation Plans

Since 1990, the ABPP has worked with partners like you to help protect and enhance more than 280 battlefields. Project funding has ranged from $5,000 to $75,000. The ABPP encourages, but does not require, matching funds or in-kind services for these projects. Deadline for all application is January 18, 2008. Application form and complete guidelines are available online at: www.cr.nps.gov/abpp.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hawaii preservation agency chief resigning

Melanie Chinen, the embattled head of the state Historic Preservation Division, is resigning effective Dec. 7, citing the physical toll the job has taken on her and the emotional strain on her family from job-related controversy and litigation.

Print version - © COPYRIGHT 2007 The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper , a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Endangered buildings list released

Advertiser Staff

The Queen's Medical Center library, the Grove Farm manager's house and the Bond Homestead are among the nine most endangered historic sites in the state.

The annual list is compiled by the Historic Hawai'i Foundation.

"The broad cross-section of sites reminds us that everyone's history matters," said Historic Hawai'i Foundation Executive Director Kiersten Faulkner.

"Large and small, all of these places contribute to our understanding of the past and the contributions that they still make today. They connect us tangibly to the unique traits and distinctive features of communities on all the islands."
The list includes two sites on the Big Island, two on O'ahu, one on Moloka'i and four on Kaua'i. The endangered historic sites are:

* The Queen's Medical Center Hawai'i Medical Library, which was designed by renowned architect Vladimir Ossipoff. According to Historic Hawai'i, the hospital is looking to provide additional parking on its campus. If it cannot reach an agreement with the Board of Water Supply to purchase land or do a joint development on the adjacent parking lot, the library is at risk.

* Kalahikiola Congregational Church, in Kohala, was built in 1855. The church was damaged in the October 2006 earthquake. Though congregation members are committed to the repair of the church, they lack funding.

* Bond Homestead, also in Kohala, is the oldest wooden structure in the community and was built in 1840. It also suffered earthquake damage. The property owner has no plans to demolish the buildings, but also has no plan to repair them.

* Kalaniana'ole Hall, on Moloka'i, is a community center built in 1937 and damaged by years of neglect and disrepair. The Moloka'i Enterprise Community has plans to restore the building and has received a grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to begin work on the most critical repairs. However, more funding is needed.

* Kekaha Sugar Mill, in Kekaha, Kaua'i, is a 1954 upgrade to the 1898 Kekaha Sugar Company, which ceased operations in 2000. It stands empty as the new property owner evaluates options. The Kaua'i West Side Watershed Council would like to see the mill become a community focal point that contributes to the economic vitality of the area.

* Grove Farm Manager's House, in Lihu'e, was built for the manager of the Grove Farm sugar plantation in 1913. The Kaua'i structure suffers from neglect and stands vacant as the property owner determines a long-range plan for the area.

* Koloa Jodo Mission, in Koloa, Kaua'i, is one of the first Japanese shrines on the island. It was built in 1909. The congregation struggles with the cost of upkeep, as well as the need for skilled carpenters to do the work.

* The Wainiha Stream Bridges, in Hanalei, are on both the Hawai'i and National Registers of Historic Places. The Department of Transportation moved up scheduled replacement of the bridges, built in 1957, after discovering structural damage in early November. The temporary replacements are prefabricated modular steel bridges.

* The Austin and Pantheon buildings contribute to the Chinatown National Historic District and the ambience of Nu'uanu Avenue. But the adjacent Hawai'i Theatre needs room to expand its stage and reinvest in its facility, which may result in demolition of the smaller buildings.

Print version - © COPYRIGHT 2007 The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper , a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Outrigger Hotels and Resorts - About Outrigger - Saturday Briefing Articles

Historic Hawaii Foundation Honors Richard Kelley, Jean Rolles as Kama'aina of the Year

Outrigger Hotels and Resorts - About Outrigger - Saturday Briefing Articles

Nine Most Endangered Historic Sites in Hawaii in 2007

Nine Most Endangered Historic Sites in Hawaii in 2007
By Deborah Ward, 11/25/2007 10:17:27 PM

Queen’s Hospital Medical Library, Grove Farm Manager’s House and the Bond Estate are among the nine most endangered historic sites in the state.
The annual list is compiled by Historic Hawai‘i Foundation in collaboration with the State Historic Preservation Division.
“The broad cross-section of sites reminds us that everyone’s history matters. The list includes sites and buildings from different eras in Hawai‘i’s history,” said Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Executive Director Kiersten Faulkner. “Large and small, all of these places contribute to our understanding of the past and the contributions that they still make today. They connect us tangibly to the unique traits and distinctive features of communities on all the islands.”
Faulkner added that the list is intended to draw attention to threats to historic places that occur from a variety of sources, including neglect, natural disaster, misunderstanding or malice.
The 2007 Most Endangered Historic Sites list includes two sites on Hawai‘i Island, two on O‘ahu, one on Moloka‘i and four on Kaua‘i.
“We treasure the connections we find with our past and with other people through the places that tell our stories,” said State Historic Preservation Officer Laura Thielen, who also serves as Department of Land and Natural Resources chairperson. “The strong sense of identity that comes with preserving historic places is important to all of us, whether they are buildings in Chinatown, plantation houses on Kaua‘i, Japanese shrines and sacred places or rural heritage.”
HHF sought nominations from the community and worked with SHPD preservation professionals to select the sites. While inclusion on the list does not automatically protect or preserve the sites, it is hoped that the list will raise public awareness, and inspire the community to take action.
Listing on last year’s Most Endangered Historic Sites prompted significant community and property owner commitment to saving several places. A proposal to demolish the Walker Estate in Nu‘uanu Valley was withdrawn after a public outcry and the San Ju Pagoda in Honolulu Memorial Park has also seen renewed commitment to restoration and maintenance. The Plantation Manager’s House in ‘Ewa Plantation Villages received a grant of $200,000 for improvements.
The 2007 list of endangered sites and a discussion on what threatens each site is featured in the November issue of Honolulu magazine. Honolulu has partnered with HHF on the annual Most Endangered Historic Sites list since its inception in 2005.
The complete list of 2007 Most Endangered Historic Sites is:
Hawai‘i Medical Library (Honolulu, O‘ahu was designed by Vladimir Ossipoff for the Queen’s Medical Center. Queen’s is looking to provide additional parking on its landlocked campus. If it cannot reach an agreement with the City and County of Honolulu’s Board of Water Supply to purchase or do a joint development on the adjacent parking lot, the Medical Library is at risk.
Kalahikiola Congregational Church (Kohala, Hawai‘i Island), a church built in 1855, was damaged in the Big Island earthquake in October 2006. The congregation is committed to its repair, but needs funding.
Bond Homestead (Kohala, Hawai‘i Island), the oldest wooden structure in Kohala, built in 1840, also suffered earthquake damage. The property owner has no plans to demolish the buildings, but also has no plan to repair them.
Kalaniana‘ole Hall (Kalamaula, Moloka‘i) is a 1937 community center damaged by years of neglect and disrepair. The Moloka‘i Enterprise Community has plans for restoring the building and has received a grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to begin work on the most critical repairs. More funding is needed.
Kekaha Sugar Mill (Kekaha, Kaua‘i) is a 1954 upgrade to the 1898 Kekaha Sugar Company, which ceased operations in 2000. It stands empty as the new property owner evaluates options. The Kaua‘i West Side Watershed Council would like to see the mill become a community focal point that contributes to the economic vitality of the area.
Grove Farm Manager’s House (Lîhu‘e, Kaua‘i) was built for the manager of the Grove Farm sugar plantation in 1913. It suffers from neglect and stands vacant as the property owner determines its long-range plan for the area.
Kôloa Jodo Mission (Kôloa, Kaua‘i) is one of the first Japanese shrines on Kaua‘i, built in 1909. The congregation struggles with the cost of upkeep, as well as the need for skilled carpenters to do the work.
Wainiha Stream Bridges (Hanalei, Kaua‘i) help define the Hanalei rural landscape and are on both the Hawai‘i and National Registers of Historic Places. The Department of Transportation moved up scheduled replacement of the bridges, built in 1957, after discovering structural damage in early November. The temporary replacements are prefabricated modular steel bridges, but long-term design should be compatible with DOT’s adopted context sensitive design guidelines for the historic road.
Austin and Pantheon Buildings (Honolulu, O‘ahu) contribute to the Chinatown National Historic District and the ambience of Nu‘uanu Avenue. The adjacent Hawai‘i Theatre Center needs room to expand its stage and reinvest in its facility, which may result in demolition of the smaller buildings. HTC will meet with preservation professionals to determine its full range of options, which may include saving the historic facades.

Deborah Ward is a spokesperson for the state Department of Land and Natural Resources.
HawaiiReporter.com reports the real news, and prints all editorials submitted, even if they do not represent the viewpoint of the editors, as long as they are written clearly. Send editorials to mailto:Malia@HawaiiReporter.com

Friday, October 19, 2007

"Reflections" Community Scrapbook now available!

The Honolulu Advertiser presents “Reflections,” a locally
produced, coffee-table book that captures Hawai‘i’s
way of life before 1950. Hundreds of readers submitted
family photos to create this beautiful pictorial
book featuring the people, places, lifestyle and events of

With everything changing so fast, this keepsake
book reminds us of how things used to be. It’s a
remembrance and celebration of things past, and
yours to cherish for $20.

2 ways to pre-order your
$20 copy of “Reflections”

1. Go to HonoluluAdvertiser.com
and click on the “Reflections” book

2. Call 356-0361

“Reflections” makes the perfect gift and arrives
just in time for Christmas. While supplies last.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

National Leadership in History Award goes to Lyman Museum in Hilo

Preservation work, interpretation efforts impress judges for annual competition

The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) recently honored the Lyman Mission House Museum for its preservation and interpretation efforts at the annual AASLH 2007 Leadership in History Awards Program banquet in Atlanta, Ga.

"The program, now in its 62nd year, is the most prestigious recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of state and local history," said a museum spokeswoman. The Lyman Museum is one of 72 organizations and individuals, and the only one from Hawaii, so honored this year.

For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:


Friday, September 21, 2007

HAF and AIA host Kakaako Pump Station Work Party

The American Institute of Architects (AIA), in association with the Hawaii Architectural Foundation (HAF), is seeking 20 volunteers on Saturday, October 27, 2007 for its third Pump Station Work Party. Bring your work and painting clothes, yard cleaning tools and $100 tax deductible volunteer donation to help maintain this historic structure. We’ll be painting the historic arch doors, clearing the gutters and downspouts, and cleaning the yard from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm. Lunch will be served and volunteers will receive an autographed book on Chinatown “A Close Call,” courtesy of David Cheever. Donations will pay for supplies and the balance will benefit the HAF scholarship endowment fund. Corporate sponsors include Painter’s Warehouse, Skylights Hawaii, Ferraro Choi, and Clifford Projects Inc. For reservation call Dawn Watanabe at 537-3544, by Friday, October 26, 2007. Click here for a PDF flyer with more information about this event.

NEA Delivers The Big Read to Hawai'i

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jackie Smythe
September 18, 2007



Washington, D.C.—September 18, 2007—The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced that Hawai'i Capital Cultural District (HCCD) is one of 117 organizations that received grants to support Big Read programs between September and December 2007. The Big Read, launched nationally in 2006 by the NEA, in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and Arts Midwest, encourages literary reading by asking communities to come together to read and discuss a single book. The organizations selected to participate in the Big Read receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 to promote and carry out community-based programs. The Big Read in the state of Hawai'i received $20,000 for program which will take place throughout the month of October.

“Culture in Hawai'i is revered, and literature is a powerful way to communicate our cultural experiences, both within and outside of our communities. Besides studies show literary reading promotes community involvement and an appreciation for culture and arts" said HCCD President, Mona Abadir "We are honored to receive this nationally competitive grant. HCCD and our partners are thrilled to be part of the Big Read, in order to share our diverse and unique programs associated with our book selection, The Joy Luck Club.”

Modeled on successful “one book, one community” programs, the Big Read was created to address the national decline in literary reading as documented in the NEA’s 2004 landmark survey Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America. The survey showed that less than half the American adult population now reads literature.

To encourage community-wide participation, Hawai'i Capital Cultural District, the Office of the Governor, Hawai'i State Library System, Department of Education, Hawai'i Council for the Humanities, the Manoa Foundation and University of Hawai'i are collaborating to develop a program on activities related to the selected novel. Big Read events in Hawai'i include celebrity readings, theatrical interpretations, movie screenings, cultural events and panel discussions throughout the state.

“It is inspiring to see so many community-based organizations pull together to support The Big Read. Partnerships at the federal, state, county and private levels will ensure the success of this important campaign for community literacy and lifelong learning. The book selection, The Joy Luck Club, is a perfect fit for Hawai'i because it represents several themes that permeate our rich culture: diversity, immigration, family and love. I am anxious to read the book again, along with members of the community statewide” said Governor Linda Lingle.

“By joining the Big Read, these cities and towns are showing that reading is necessary to the cultural, civic, even economic fabric of their communities. They understand the benefit of having people from different generations and walks of life reading and discussing a great book,” said NEA Chairman Dana Gioia. “Yes, this is about reading, but it’s also about getting people to leave their homes and offices, unplug themselves for a few hours, and enjoy the pleasures of literature with their neighbors.”

“We are pleased to announce this second round of Big Read grants. The first-round grantees created innovative and exciting partnership activities that exceeded our expectations,” said IMLS Director Anne-Imelda Radice, Ph.D. “We’re eager to support these additional communities in launching their collaborative efforts. Through the Big Read, IMLS and NEA are assisting people all across the country as they come together in community to rediscover the great American novel.”

The NEA has provided participating communities with a library of free materials, including readers’ and teachers’ guides for each of the Big Read novels, an audio guide for each novel featuring distinguished actors and writers, an online organizer’s guide for hosting a Big Read program, Big Read publicity materials, and a comprehensive program Web site. The Big Read for military communities is made possible by The Boeing Company.

For a complete list of communities participating in the Big Read, a list of the Big Read novels, program application guidelines to view reading at risk survey, or more information on Hawai'i’s program, please visit www.neabigread.org and www.hawaiicapitalculture.org

The Hawai'i Capital Cultural District coalition is a dynamic partnership of arts and cultural organizations, businesses, public agencies, and individuals who share a vision of a vibrant and active downtown Honolulu characterized by Hawai'i’s unique and diverse heritage, cultures, and arts. The organization’s mission is to preserve, nurture, and interpret the rich heritage of Hawai'i’s past and present; promote Hawai'i as a premier destination for cultural and heritage tourism; and generate economic development and neighborhood vitality in the collective District through its cultural assets.

The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts—both new and established—bringing the arts to all Americans, and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Endowment is the nation’s largest annual funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases. For more information, please visit www.arts.gov.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit: www.imls.gov.

Arts Midwest connects people throughout the Midwest and the world to meaningful arts opportunities, sharing creativity, knowledge, and understanding across boundaries. Arts Midwest connects the arts to audiences throughout the nine-state region of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. One of six non-profit regional arts organizations in the United States, Arts Midwest’s history spans more than 25 years. For more information, please visit www.artsmidwest.org.

Four Appointed or Reappointed to ACHP

September 18, 2007
Contact: Bruce Milhans

President Announces Four Appointments to
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President George W. Bush has announced his appointment of four individuals to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).

New appointments to the ACHP are Mayor Thomas R. Miller of Franklin, Tennessee, and John A. Garcia of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Miller will serve as the ACHP’s designated representative for the nation’s mayors. Garcia will fill one of the general public positions on the 23-member council.

Reappointed to the ACHP to historic preservation expert positions for a second four-year term are Julia A. King of St. Mary’s City, Maryland, and Ann A. Pritzlaff of Denver, Colorado.

“We are delighted to welcome Mr. Garcia and Mayor Miller to the ACHP, and to retain the expertise and enthusiasm of Ms. Pritzlaff and Dr. King who have been vital to our preservation efforts,” said John L. Nau, III, ACHP chairman.

Thomas R. Miller is mayor of Franklin, Tennessee. He is a strong advocate of historic preservation and citizen involvement in civic affairs, and has a professional real estate and other business background in addition to his public sector and volunteer activities. Franklin was the first Preserve America Community in Tennessee and the mayor has been a leader in the effort to acquire and reclaim a 110-acre portion of the Battle of Franklin, a Civil War episode of great historic significance that has been underappreciated. He attended the University of Missouri at Kansas City and Concordia Senior College in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

John A Garcia is chief economic development officer for the University of New Mexico. He also consults for Grubb & Ellis New Mexico and oversees his management company, Hospitotally. He is the former Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Tourism, and the New Mexico Economic Development Department, and served as the Senior Officer of Cultural Affairs for the state of New Mexico. He has experience on a statewide level in developing cultural tourism. He received his BBA from the Anderson School of Business at the University of New Mexico.

Julia A. King is associate professor of archaeology and anthropology at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. She has been a major force in the ACHP effort to update archaeological guidelines with reference to the federal and national preservation structure. With more than two decades’ experience as an archaeologist, researcher, author, and educator, King holds a doctorate in American Civilization from the University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in anthropology from Florida State University, and a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and history from the College of William and Mary.

Ann A. Pritzlaff is outreach coordinator for Colorado Preservation, Inc., where she oversees the annual Saving Places conference—the largest statewide preservation conference in the nation and promotes
youth programs and heritage tourism. Through her service with the ACHP she has played a key role helping to create, grow, and sustain the Administration’s Preserve America initiative. With a long preservation resume that includes serving as the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer, she holds a bachelor’s degree from Scripps College and a master’s degree in historic preservation from the University of Vermont.

About the ACHP: An independent federal agency, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) promotes the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our nation’s historic resources, and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy. It also provides a forum for influencing federal activities, programs, and policies that affect historic properties. In addition, the ACHP has a key role in carrying out the Administration’s Preserve America initiative. For more information, please visit www.achp.gov.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Historic homes keep status after sale

Star Bulletin:

Question: There is a large property in Manoa on the state's register of historic homes, but the owners pay only $494 in property taxes because the house and land are 94 percent exempt from taxes. The house is now being sold for several million dollars. Can they sell a historic home for all that money after paying so little in property taxes? Or do the owners, when they want to sell a home like this, have to remove the exemption, notify the proper authorities and pay the property taxes that would have been due from the time of the historic designation to the present?

Friday, August 03, 2007

Timothy E. Johns Named Bishop Museum President

International Search Lands Damon Estate Exec

Honolulu, HI…Bishop Museum has named Timothy E. Johns as President, Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2007. The announcement was made today by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, David Hulihee. Johns succeeds Michael Chinaka who has been serving as Interim President since the resignation of William Y. Brown in January 2007. Chinaka will resume his duties as Senior Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer for Bishop Museum. (Brown left the Museum to take a position as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, PA.)

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Tim Johns as Bishop Museum’s new President, Director and CEO,” said David Hulihee, Chairman of Bishop Museum’s Board of Directors. “Tim has over two decades of leadership experience with environmental and cultural issues in Hawaii, which will serve him as the leader of Hawaii’s State museum of natural and cultural history. I couldn’t be more pleased.” Bishop Museum was founded in 1889. It maintains the world’s largest collection of Hawaiian and Pacific cultural and natural history objects and since its founding has as been a premier institution for research and public education. It is designated as Hawaii’s State Museum of Natural and Cultural History. Johns most recently served as Chief Operating Officer for the Estate of Samuel Mills Damon, a position he has held since 2000.

Prior to that, he was the Chairperson of the State Department of Land and Natural Resources. He has also served as Vice-President and General Counsel for AMFAC Property Development Corporation. He has been a Lecturer in Business Law at the University of Hawaii and Windward Community College and has held the position of Director of Land Protection with the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii. An honors graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Johns received a Bachelor’s degree in history and business economics. He also completed a Master’s degree in economics and Juris Doctor from the University of Southern California.

Johns is very active in environmental issues. His memberships include the State of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Advisory Council. A Rotarian, Johns is a member of the Rotary Club of Honolulu. “With Tim’s impressive background and experience, he will be able to provide critical links between scientists, resource managers and policymakers to advance important biodiversity conservation efforts that are the driving forces for many of our research programs,” says Allen Allison, Ph.D., Vice President of Bishop Museum’s world-renowned Science Department.

Johns serves on the Board of Directors for Grove Farm Company, Inc., Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., YMCA Honolulu, Hawaii Nature Center, St. Andrew’s Priory School, Child and Family Services, Helping Hands Hawaii, Diamond Head Theatre, and Hawaii Public Television Foundation. In June 2005, he was named a Trustee of Parker Ranch Foundation Trust.

“We are delighted the Board of Directors has chosen a candidate with a deep commitment to the preservation and perpetuation of Hawaiian culture and respectful sensitivity to cultural issues. He is well known in the community and is held in high regard, and this will surely be beneficial in many ways,” said Betty Lou Kam, Vice President of Cultural Resources for Bishop Museum.

Johns was selected after a seven-month executive search by the international search organization Morris & Berger from Glendale, California. Founded in 1984, Morris and Berger is a generalist executive search firm that has developed a specialty practice serving the nonprofit sector, including performing and visual arts and institutions of higher learning. The company was named to the list of “50 Leading Search Firms in North America” in The Executive Recruiter News and also named Outstanding Executive Search Firm in John Lucht’s 1995 edition of Rites of Passage at $100,000+.

Members of the Executive Search Committee included Bishop Museum Trustee Dr. Charman J. Akina (Chairman), David C. Hulihee, Isabella A. Abbott, Ph.D., Haunani Apoliona, H. Mitchell D’Olier, Russell K. Okata, Gulab Watumull, Walter A. Dods, Jr., Allen Allison, Ph.D., and Amy Miller Marvin.Bishop Museum is world renowned for its scientific achievements and contributions. Among the many accomplishments are the following: the sequencing of DNA of Hawaiian fishes to provide a worldwide barcode of fish life; efforts in partnership with the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect and conserve the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal; the world’s 5th largest collection of insects with over 14 million specimens; the discovery of over 130 new species of frogs, lizards and snakes in Papua New Guinea as part of a National Science Foundation-funded survey; the world’s largest collection of Indo-Pacific reef and shore fishes; the natural science collections contain more the 22 million specimens and ranks among the top 5 in the United States; the Hawaii Biological Survey has produced the only complete checklist of plants and animals of any state in the Union and has documented 25,615 species; Bishop Museum was the first major museum in the United States to be connected to the Internet; Bishop Museum also has the world’s largest collection of land snails of Hawaii and the Pacific; Bishop Museum scientists are among the best in their respective fields and have published more than 100 scientific articles and books every year. Bishop Museum’s cultural collections include the world’s largest collections of barkcloth, makaloa mats, Hawaiian featherwork, and two of the only known Hawaiian feather sashes. Bishop Museum’s extraordinary collection of visual art of and about Hawaii and the Pacific focuses on art from the 18th and early 19th centuries. This collection represents a remarkable window into the past—a visual documentation of Pacific cultures at the time of first western contact and beyond and is unrivaled.

Johns will assume the top leadership position for the largest museum in the State of Hawaii in the midst of an unprecedented era of renovation and revitalization. Bishop Museum is presently undertaking a $21 million renovation of its iconic Hawaiian Hall complex with the support of world-class museum designer Ralph Appelbaum and Associates of New York. In 2005, Bishop Museum opened the Richard T. Mamiya Science Adventure Center, an award-winning $17 million, 19,000-square-foot interactive science and cultural exploration center. Major traveling and cultural exhibitions are presented in the Castle Memorial Building year-round. Bishop Museum hosts nearly 400,000 visitors and students each year. Bishop Museum also administers the Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden in Captain Cook, Hawaii and the Hawaii Maritime Center in Honolulu. “I am thrilled and honored to be given the opportunity to join this wonderful institution. The Museum has long been one of Hawaii’s most important and cherished treasures. It is blessed with a wonderful staff, great board of directors, and widespread support throughout our community. This is a dream job for me, “ says Timothy E. Johns, newly named President, Director and Chief Executive Officer of Bishop Museum.

For more information about the appointment of Timothy E. Johns, call (808) 847-3511 or visit http://www.bishopmuseum.org/

BISHOP MUSEUM PRESS Web Site: http://www.bishopmuseum.org/ http://www.bishopmuseum.org/
Online Press Room: http://www.bishopmuseum.org/media/press_releases.html

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lingle picks DLNR head

The governor praises Laura H. Thielen for her passion regarding environmental issues

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

First Lady Awards $150000 to Honolulu for Preserve America Grant

First Lady Awards $150000 to Honolulu for Preserve America Grant
Hawaii Reporter

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Time to intervene in historic office mess

From the Honolulu Advertiser:

By its inaction with the now clearly dysfunctional State Historic Preservation Division, the Lingle administration is treading dangerously close to a precipice. The state is at risk of failing at its missions to protect historic resources and provide sensible oversight for development planned throughout the Islands.

A story in today's paper by Advertiser Big Island writer Kevin Dayton illustrates that the operation of that agency has become nothing short of irrational.

The staffing shortages at Historic Preservation, a division of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources, have been longstanding and well documented. Some patience was warranted when problems first came to light a few years ago, but the time for patience has run out.
The current situation — a shortage of state archaeologists, which has created a backlog of more than 300 pending building permits and caused overdue archaeological reports on historic sites — demands intervention.

Perhaps calling it a "shortage" is misleading. O'ahu already lacks its archaeologist, so with the resignation of the lead archaeologist for Maui and Hawai'i counties, the remaining staff is unable to handle the workload. And with that work already sitting in mile-high stacks, the situation has reached crisis stage.

With the untenable delays for permit-seekers and burials protection being handled haphazardly, the state is vulnerable to legal challenges.

A separate but equally alarming symptom has been the sudden decision by division chief Melanie Chinen to order burials on the Victoria Ward Village Shops project to be left in place. State burial law allows for such restrictions, but the time to have issued them was at the start of site work, not now.

Dissatisfaction at the division and with Chinen's leadership surfaced publicly at the reconfirmation hearing of former DLNR chief Peter Young. Some may argue that Young bore some responsibility for the division's failure, but even those who support the Senate's decision to replace him can't argue that his departure solved the Historic Preservation issue.

The state cannot uphold its duty to the public by letting this division limp along. Chinen needs either to be replaced or overseen by managers who can marshal the help needed to set this sinking vessel right again. The last thing anyone wants to see is the needless loss of Hawai'i's historic resources.

Permit backlog slows Hawaii construction

By Kevin Dayton
Advertiser Big Island Bureau
The state Historic Preservation Division has become a bottleneck that delays construction projects on Maui and the Big Island, sometimes for years, according to developers.
Hundreds of development-related permits have not been processed on the two islands because the division no longer has the staff necessary to handle the workload, according to a resignation letter from a key archaeologist with the agency.

Melissa A. Kirkendall, lead archaeologist for Maui, Lana'i, Kaho'olawe and the Big Island, resigned Saturday, leaving one state archaeologist on Maui, none on the Big Island and none on O'ahu to review archaeological studies needed to process grading permits for new developments.
"It takes forever" to get permits, said Stanford Carr, president and chief executive officer of Stanford Carr Development LLC. Carr estimated it took two years to complete the required archaeological studies and obtain the necessary Historic Preservation Division approvals for his company's Kaloko Heights subdivision in Kona on the Big Island.

Historic Preservation is the state agency that reviews development plans to ensure that historic, cultural and burial sites are protected. The agency reviews all development plans, including proposals for golf courses, hotels, condominiums and housing subdivisions. It also scrutinizes grubbing and grading permits, along with some building permits.

Kirkendall said in her resignation letter that about 100 archaeological reports are overdue for review.

The letter, addressed to colleagues, said the problems within the Historic Preservation Division are now so severe they prevent professional staff there from meeting their "ethical obligations" to both preserve historic sites and serve the public.

Melanie Chinen, administrator of the state Historic Preservation Division, said through a spokeswoman that she had not seen Kirkendall's letter to her colleagues, and therefore could not respond to it.

"Dr. Kirkendall has offered her resignation. We have not received any information from her regarding concerns she may have over the division's operations beyond her desire that the public education component of historic preservation be expanded," Chinen said in a written statement.

"The division is processing applications to hire several new archaeologists and looks forward to their coming on board in the near future," Chinen wrote. "Staff are committed to working to fulfill the obligations of the department."

Carr said the delays in getting permits processed by the division are the worst he has seen, but said there also are backlogs in obtaining building permits from county agencies.
"I know that it takes a long time to get things through, but it's just the nature of the beast because everybody is in line," Carr said. "It's the worst we've been through, but I think it's just because you've got a lot more activity or applications going in than ever before."

Bruce McClure, director of the Department of Public Works for the Big Island, said county officials are familiar with the long waits for state Historic Preservation approvals because the county has been waiting as well. The county is seeking Historic Preservation approval for three projects to repair damage from the Oct. 15 earthquakes.
"We're aware that they're real slow in coming back, just from our own experience," he said.

A spokeswoman for county Public Works said the department has been waiting since early April for Historic Preservation approvals for about $1.3 million in repairs to Napo'opo'o Road; to three damaged areas of Mamalahoa Highway in Kona; and to a pedestrian overpass on Palani Road.
"It's been very slow," McClure said. "Even before, when they were better staffed, some things were slow."

McClure said the county recently suggested changes that might help ease Historic Preservation's workload, but hasn't yet heard back from the agency.
Kirkendall would not comment further on the Historic Preservation Division or to discuss her letter, other than to say she did not intend that it be circulated to the general public.
Kirkendall's resignation is the latest in a string of departures of professional staff from Historic Preservation that has alarmed Hawaiians and private archaeologists. Critics worry that without proper staffing, archaeological sites and Native Hawaiian burials may be destroyed in Hawai'i's ongoing development boom.

Private archaeologists also expressed concerns about staff vacancies in the Historic Preservation Division, which is part of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Kirkendall said in her resignation letter there are already more than 227 permits pending for the Big Island alone, and at least 100 more are pending on Maui.
At the same time, reviews by the state Historic Preservation Division are overdue for another 100 archaeological reports for Maui and Big Island sites that were produced by private archaeological consultants, Kirkendall wrote. Those reports are usually prepared on behalf of developers, with state archaeologists tasked with reviewing the work to make sure it is complete and accurate.

When backlogs build up and the agency is late in reviewing building, subdivision and other permits, "I believe we have violated our ethical obligation to the public trust," Kirkendall wrote.

"Likewise, if we are cursory in our review of these permits, our ethical obligation to the historic properties ... and to the descendants of the creators of the historic properties, has been violated."

Chinen, administrator of the Historic Preservation Division, has said publicly the agency has become more efficient and is keeping up with its workload, but Kirkendall said in her letter the agency has not been able to keep up.

"They have got to find some qualified people to fill those positions, and the Big Island situation from a historic preservation point of view is a crisis now," said Tom Dye, president of the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology.

If Kirkendall is correct that there are hundreds of permits and reports backlogged, "pretty soon, people are just going to go ahead and develop regardless of whether there are historic sites on their properties or not," Dye said.Advertiser reporter Derrick DePledge contributed to this report.

Reach Kevin Dayton at kdayton@honoluluadvertiser.com.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kamehameha acquires Varsity Theatre site

Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - 11:34 AM HAST Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Kamehameha Schools is acquiring the Varsity Theatre site in Moiliili in a land exchange that gives Robertson Properties Group the trust's old Kamehameha Drive-In property in Aiea.
The deal, announced Wednesday, gives Hawaii's largest private landowner the deed to the 1.7-acre Varsity property on University Avenue, which includes the Varsity Office Building, in exchange for the property at the corner of Moanalua Road and Kaonohi Street near Pearlridge Center and an undisclosed cash payment.
Los Angeles-based Robertson Properties Group is owned by Pacific Theatres parent Decurion. Pacific Theatres owns Consolidated Theatres and the Varsity Theatre.
"Consolidated's decision to close the Varsity provided us with an opportunity to acquire a strategically valuable piece of property," Kirk Belsby, vice president for endowment for Kamehameha Schools, said in a statement.
"It strengthens our ties with the university community and with Moiliili business and residential communities, and it strengthens our ability to support our educational programs and services."
Robertson plans to redevelop the Aiea site and will come up with a master plan in the coming months, said John Manavian, vice president of development for Robertson Properties Group.
Kamehameha Schools plans to upgrade the Moiliili area, which includes Puck's Alley, in the next few years, said Tara Young, senior commercial asset manager for Kamehameha Schools.
"The Varsity property adds even greater synergy to our options and opportunities in Moiliili," she said.
Robertson Properties Group recently completed the renovation of the former Waikiki Theatre site on Kalakaua Avenue, now called the Center of Waikiki, and is currently developing a shopping mall called Pearl City Gateway on the city's former Manana land in Pearl City.
"Oahu is one of our core target markets where we are actively developing and acquiring land," Manavian said. "It also is a challenging market but we are well-positioned to move quickly and pursue opportunities where we can bring new uses to older properties and reposition them to better serve Oahu residents."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

BLNR Approves Projects for Legacy Land Conservation Program Funding

BLNR Approves Projects for Legacy Land Conservation Program Funding

HONOLULU - The Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) granted $4.7 million Friday June 9 for state, county and nonprofit land acquisition projects to protect Hawai‘i’s valuable resource lands through the new Legacy Land Conservation Program (LLCP).

The LLCP (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, Chapter 173A) will convey funding from the State Land Conservation Fund to two state agencies, three nonprofits and Hawai‘i County for the acquisition and permanent protection of lands having cultural, archeological and natural resource values.

“I’m very pleased that this year we are able to preserve and protect such a wide range of resources for Hawai‘i’s future generations,” stated Allan Smith, Interim Chairperson of the BLNR.

The newly-initiated Legacy Land Conservation Commission – a nine-member commission composed of cultural, agricultural and natural resource experts and representatives from each county – advised the BLNR on this year’s project selections.

“Virtually every one of the proposals we received was viewed by the Commission as significant lands with resources that merited protection. This was a tough choice, but we’re proud to have played a role in it,” stated Commission Chair Dale Bonar.

The following are summaries of the approved projects:

The Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), Department of Land and Natural Resources: $430,250 for the acquisition of the 1,335.98-acre Carlsmith property near Hilo, on the Big Island, for the conservation of native forest and habitat.

The National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG): $1,500,000 for the acquisition of 169.87 acres in Honomā‘ele, Hana, on Maui, for the conservation of native hala forest and cultural resources.

The Cave Conservancy of Hawai‘i: $154,000 for the acquisition of 9 acres in Kula Kai View Estates, on the Big Island, for the conservation of cave tunnels and cultural resources.

The Kona Historical Society: $301,000 for the acquisition of the 5.536-acre Uchida Farm, in Kealakekua, on the Big Island, for the preservation of agricultural and historical resources.

Hawai‘i County: $1,214,750 for the acquisition of 234.293 in Ka‘u, near Kawa‘a Bay, on the Big Island, for the preservation of natural and cultural resources.

The Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC), Department of Agriculture: $1,100,000, for the acquisition of an agricultural easement on 108.217 acres of land in Kunia, on O‘ahu, from the Hawai‘i Agricultural Research Center (HARC), for the perpetual preservation of prime agricultural land.

LLCP projects are also subject to a consultation process with the Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives and the approval of the Governor. Funding for projects that protect lands having value as a resource to the state will be available through the Legacy Land Conservation Program on an annual basis.

For more information on the Legacy Land Conservation Program please call (808) 586-0921.

# # #

For more information, contact:
Molly Schmidt
LLCP Program Coordinator
Phone: 808-586-0921

Thursday, June 14, 2007

National Trust's 20th list of America's most endangered historic places

America's priceless heritage is at risk—from the storied waterfront of Brooklyn to the neon-clad mom-and-pop motels of Route 66—some of America's most irreplaceable landmarks are threatened.
"The sites on this year's list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places embody the diversity and complexity of America's story, and the variety of threats that endanger it," said Richard Moe, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. "The places on this year's list span the continent and encompass the breadth of the American experience. Each one is enormously important to our understanding of who we are as a nation and a people."

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Hawaii Few People Know: Kalaupapa

Daily Herald Travel

The Hawaii few people know
BY GEORGE OXFORD MILLER Posted Friday, May 18, 2007

Viewed from the 1,700-foot cliff, Kalaupapa looks like a travel brochure version of paradise. The volcanic peninsula stretches out below the tallest sea cliffs in the Pacific like a puddle of spilled emerald paint. Coconut-tree beaches frame the finger of land against the rolling turquoise surf.

New subs will keep Pearl busy - The Honolulu Advertiser

New subs will keep Pearl busy - The Honolulu Advertiser

Monday, May 14, 2007

Preservation Online: New Hawaii Law Saves Maui Icon

Preservation Online: Today's News Archives: New Hawaii Law Saves Maui Icon

Hawaii Army Museum 'Living History Day' Scheduled for May 19 (From Hawaii Reporter)

Hawaii Army Museum 'Living History Day' Scheduled for May 19
By Bill Bigelow, 5/13/2007 9:56:55 PM

The U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii will host 232 Years of military history when it presents “Living History Day” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 19th, which is also Armed Forces Day. This event is totally FREE and presented for the education and enjoyment of the general public.

Various groups will gather at Historic Battery Randolph on the grounds of Fort DeRussy in Waikiki to commemorate, educate, entertain, and present hands-on exhibits of weapons, equipment, and insignia from ancient Hawaii to the present day. Participating organizations will include: the 25th Infantry Division; the Hawaii Historic Arms Association; the Hawaii Military Vehicle Preservation Association; the Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawaii; the Civil War Roundtable; Ka Pa Lua Hawaii; and Birds of Paradise (aircraft modelers). Special arrangements have been made for the unique performance of the “Old Guard” Fife and Drum Corps, one of the U.S. Army’s premier musical organizations, at 11 a.m. that morning. (NOTE: This group performed for the Queen of England at the recent 400th anniversary of the first European settlement in America, at Jamestown, Virginia).

Historic military vehicles and current U.S. Army equipment will complement the museum’s tanks and Monarchy-era cannon. Various re-enactors will share the history behind their uniforms, equipment, and weapons. Musical groups will serenade visitors with traditional music and dances and Ka Pa Lua Hawaii will demonstrate ancient Hawaiian fighting arts. Large-scale, working, vintage-aircraft models will also be on display.

A special showing of classic films will be in the newly renovated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pacific Regional Visitor Center on the second floor of the museum. The Visitor Center highlights the work of the Army Corps of Engineers in Hawaii and the entire Pacific region. Both static and interactive displays tells the engineers story.
The general public is welcome to tour the museum, visit an author’s book-signing table, browse in the museum shop, and enjoy all the Living History displays on the lawn. Validated Parking is available in the lot across from the Museum.
Bill Bigelow is the spokesperson for this event.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

State approved permits to bulldoze ancient sites (Honolulu Advertiser)

State approved permits to bulldoze ancient sites

Print version - © COPYRIGHT 2007 The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper , a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


April 9, 2007 Kiersten Faulkner
Executive Director

Jill Byus Schorr
Manager of Membership & Development


Historic Hawai‘i Foundation has announced the honorees for the 2007 Preservation Honor Awards.

“The people and projects being recognized are truly outstanding,” said Kiersten Faulkner, executive director of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. “Although each project is unique and distinctive, they all demonstrate historic preservation as a strategy for building community.”

Awards Jury Chair Robert Iopa added that the awards committee looked for projects that exemplify good preservation practice. “The awards include different types of preservation, including adaptive reuse of buildings, restoring cultural and historic landscapes, developing smart legislation, and telling the story of Hawai‘i’s built environment,” he said.

Eight awards will be presented in four categories at the awards ceremony, which will be held May 2nd on board Princess Cruises’ Island Princess.

A Preservation Media award will be granted to author MacKinnon Simpson for his book “A Century of Aloha” (Mutual Publishing). This pictorial narrative uses vintage and contemporary photography to humorously show the creation of modern Honolulu from 1905 to 2005.

A Preservation Certificate for outstanding achievement by an individual will be granted to Charles P.M.K. Burrows, Ed.D. for his decades of work to protect, preserve, restore and care for the Kawai Nui Marsh in Kailua, O‘ahu.

A Preservation Commendation for a government agency or organization will be presented to State Representatives Corinne Ching and Cindy Evans for founding the State Legislature’s Heritage Caucus, which develops public policies and legislation that support Hawai‘i’s historic and cultural legacy.

Preservation Awards for specific buildings, sites, projects or structures will be awarded to:
· Loriann Gordon for restoring the landscape at Sacred Heart Church in Honolulu;
· Mason Architects and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art for the restoration and rehabilitation of the exterior decorative painting at Shangri La’s Playhouse;
· Hawai‘i Theatre Center for the preservation and restoration of the historic theater and catalyzing revitalization efforts in the adjacent Chinatown historic district;
· Pacific Aviation Museum for the adaptive reuse of an aviation hanger on Ford Island; and
· YMCA of Honolulu and CDS International for the preservation, adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the Waipahu Sugar Mill.

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s Preservation Honor Awards are Hawai‘i’s highest recognition of projects, individuals, or organizations active in preservation, rehabilitation, restoration or interpretation of the state’s architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage. The honor awards have been presented annually since 1975.

Nominations are considered by a committee of professionals with expertise in preservation, architecture, planning, publications and community development. The 2007 awards committee members are:
· Robert Iopa (chair), WCIT Architects
· Kiersten Faulkner, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation
· Frank Haines, Architects Hawai‘i
· Geoffrey Mowrer, Fung Associates
· Kam Napier, Honolulu Magazine
· Tom Quinlan, Historic Properties Services, LLC

The Preservation Honor Awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 2 on board Princess Cruises’ Island Princess, which will be moored at Pier 2 in Honolulu Harbor. The event includes complimentary cocktails, heavy pupus and tours of the ship, as well as a presentation about the award-winning projects. Tickets are $50 and may be reserved by calling Historic Hawai‘i Foundation at 523-2900 or through the website at www.historichawaii.org. RSVPs are due by April 24.


Digital photos available on request:
Hawai‘i Theatre Center before and after rehabilitation
YMCA/Waipahu Sugar Mill before and after rehabilitation
Shangri La Playhouse before, during and after rehabilitation

Spring 2007 Heritage Preservation Update

Spring 2007 Heritage Preservation Update

Preservation Assistance Grants Available

The 2007 guidelines for Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions are available at www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/pag.html, along with sample project descriptions, sample narratives, and a list of frequently asked questions. The deadline for applications is May 15, 2007.
Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions help small and mid-sized institutions, such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, town and county records offices, and colleges, improve their ability to preserve and care for their humanities collections. Awards of up to $5,000 support preservation-related collection assessments, consultations, and workshops, and institutional and collaborative disaster and emergency planning. Grants cover consultant fees, workshop registration fees, related travel and per diem expenses, and the costs of purchasing and shipping preservation supplies and equipment.
All applications to the NEH must be submitted through Grants.gov.

See the application guidelines for details.

mall and mid-sized institutions that have never received an NEH grant are especially encouraged to apply.

For more information, contact the staff of NEH's Division of Preservation and Access at 202-606-8570 or preservation@neh.gov.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Diversity Scholarship Program

The National Trust seeks culturally diverse applicants whose attendance at the Twin Cities National Preservation Conference will benefit their communities and whose commitment to historic preservation will be reinforced by their participation.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter 2007 Heritage Preservation Update

Heritage Preservation Grants Available

See grants available and their deadlines including Save our History and Save America's Treasures.

IMLS - News & Events - Press Releases

IMLS - News & Events - Press Releases

IMLS Launches Conservation Initiative
A multi-faceted conservation initiative has been launched at the Institute of Museum and Library Services. At Heritage Preservation's 2006 Annual Meeting, IMLS Director Anne-Imelda Radice announced that the Connecting to Collections initiative will be launched with a conservation summit June 27 and 28 in Washington, DC. Heritage Preservation will manage the summit through a cooperative agreement with IMLS. The initiative will also include regional meetings, a conservation bookshelf, and statewide planning grants.

IMLS - News & Events - Press Releases

IMLS - News & Events - Press Releases

IMLS Launches Conservation Initiative
A multi-faceted conservation initiative has been launched at the Institute of Museum and Library Services. At Heritage Preservation's 2006 Annual Meeting, IMLS Director Anne-Imelda Radice announced that the Connecting to Collections initiative will be launched with a conservation summit June 27 and 28 in Washington, DC. Heritage Preservation will manage the summit through a cooperative agreement with IMLS. The initiative will also include regional meetings, a conservation bookshelf, and statewide planning grants.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Legislative Action Alert: Submit testimony for Jan 30 Rehabiliation Tax Credit Hearing

Aloha HHF Members and Partners,

The 2007 State Legislature has begun its work. Some two dozens bills
related to historic preservation were introduced by the deadline (last
Wednesday) and Historic Hawai'i Foundation is monitoring them. If you
would like to see the bills, status, and other information, it is
available at http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/site1/docs/docs.asp?press1=docs Search for "historic preservation."

The HHF Board of Trustees has adopted legislative goals for the year,
including supporting and creating a balance of preservation
incentives, regulations and public-private partnerships to encourage
the preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties. Specific
legislative goals are:

1. State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitation of Historic
Properties: Provide incentive for appropriate rehabilitation of
historic buildings through credits against state taxes.

2. Delay of Demolition for Historic Properties: Protect
structures and districts designated on the Hawai'i State or National
Registers of Historic Places by adding standards and procedures to
prevent or delay the demolition of historic buildings.

3. Appropriations for State Historic Preservation Division:
Increase operating and staffing fund levels for SHPD in order to
institute effective standards, efficient procedures and appropriate

As these bills are scheduled for committee hearings, HHF will send out
action alerts to ask for testimony from individuals. The alerts will
include HHF's position on the bills, sample testimony and information
on how to submit testimony. Official testimony on behalf of Historic
Hawai'i Foundation will come from the Executive Director; we are
simply alerting our members to the issues and asking them to
participate as individuals.

How You Can Help
The first hearing has been scheduled on SB 708, which provides for a
state tax credit for rehabilitation of historic buildings, in the
Economic Development and Taxation Committee, tomorrow at 1:15 p.m
(Conference Room 224 at the Hawaii State Capitol, 1:15 p.m). HHF
strongly supports this bill. Written testimony is due TODAY (January
29, 2007). Even if you cannot attend, please fax in your written
support in the form of testimony to the committee.

Below is sample testimony for SB 708. Written testimony must be
submitted 24 hours in advance (in this case by 1:15 pm TODAY, 1/29).
It can be faxed (if less than 5 pages in length) to the Senate
Sergeant-At Arms Office at 586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll-free
neighbor islands), or can be dropped off (30 copies) to the committee
clerk, Room 216, State Capitol. When faxing, please indicate to whom
the testimony is being submitted, the date and time of the hearing,
and the required number of copies needed for submittal. Include your
name, place of residence and phone number for verification.

You can also fax your testimony to Historic Hawai'i Foundation
(523-0800) if you would like us to make and distribute the copies to
the appropriate committees for you.

Thank you,


Kiersten Faulkner, AICP
Executive Director
Historic Hawai'i Foundation

680 Iwilei Road Suite 690
Honolulu, HI 96817
808-523-2900 (tel)
808-523-0800 (fax)



To: Senator Carol Fukunaga, Chair
Senator Will Espero, Vice-chair
Committee on Economic Development and Taxation


Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1:15 pm

Subject: Support of SB708, Relating to Taxation

I wish to offer my support of SB708, which proposes a tax credit for
the rehabilitation of historic structures. This bill will provide a
25% tax credit for qualifying expenses related to an appropriate
renovation of an historic building. These credits have the power to
preserve and enhance the character of our residential neighborhoods as
well as our business districts, provide quality housing, and to spur
economic growth.

Preservation tax credit programs have proven to be successful
incentives for rehabilitating older structures and returning them to
useful life. Preserving and using our historic buildings are the best
ways to enhance community character, provide an alternative to sprawl,
encourage heritage tourism and generally spur economic development in
older neighborhoods and commercial districts.

Tax credit programs have been used at the federal level and by over
half of the states. While the details of the programs vary by state,
they have been shown to be very effective, especially when coupled
with the 20% federal historic tax credit.

This proposed tax credit is a great incentive to the owners of
historic homes, as there is no commensurate federal credit for owner-
occupied residences. This aspect of the bill may encourage more
nominations of eligible properties, leading to a greater number of
preserved historic residences, which are presently disappearing at an
alarming rate.

Perhaps the most important result of this legislation will be
something that benefits us all - preserving the history and character
of Hawaii's landscapes, which, in this age of expansive development,
is becoming more precious each day.

I strongly urge this committee to provide additional incentive to
preserve Hawaii's past by passing SB708. Mahalo for this opportunity
to testify.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Save this Church

Save this Church

Story by Maui News staff writer LEHIA APANA

PUUNENE The clock is ticking for one of Maui’s historic buildings that will be demolished if an effort to move it fails.
The Puunene Congregational Church may soon join the ranks of other landmarks that have disappeared from the former plantation camp.
“This building tells a story of life in a plantation community, which really was a community all its own,” said Historic Hawaii Foundation Executive Director, Kiersten Faulkner. “It would be a shame to see that become lost forever.”

starbulletin.com | News | /2007/01/16/

Museum gets $1M gift of artifacts
The donation from the Damon Estate includes more than 600 items

starbulletin.com News /2007/01/16/

Condominium sales signal new life for Kauai's Coco Palms - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Condominium sales signal new life for Kauai's Coco Palms - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Damon heir buys Moanalua Gardens for $5M

Uncertainty over the future of one of O'ahu's most historically and culturally significant spots has been resolved with the sale of Moanalua Gardens by the Estate of Samuel Mills Damon to an heir who intends to keep it open to the public.

John Philip "JP" Damon, a great-grandson to the namesake of the $900 million estate, bought the 22-acre, one-time home of Prince Lot, who became Kamehameha V, for $5.05 million. Damon, 45, took title to the property Friday.

One of Hawai'i's earliest public parks, it hosts the annual Prince Lot Hula Festival, the largest noncompetitive hula festival. It also is home to the so-called "Hitachi tree," one of two exceptional monkeypod trees on the property that are on the National Historic Register. The tree's nickname comes from its use in television commercials by Japan's Hitachi Corp., making it a popular photo stop for Japanese visitors here.

The historic site has been operated by the Damon Trust for public use since 1924, but the impe!
nding dissolution of the trust has had many worried that it could fall into the hands of an entity that would be insensitive to its role as a place for public respite, disrespectful of its past, or both.

Don't lose focus on historic preservation

From The Honolulu Advertiser 1/4/07

The danger that the historic Walker Estate will be demolished no longer seems as imminent, and historic preservationists feel greatly relieved.

Holy-Eye LLC, owner of the century-old property, bought it in 1998 for $5 million, but found the cost of maintenance prohibitive and put it up for sale a year ago. A prospective purchaser, TR Partners LLC, had stepped forward, but in recent weeks the owners decided to put the estate back on the open market, seeking $12.9 million.

Although the bulldozers no longer seem quite ready to roll, state law still puts up no real obstacle to demolition if a buyer is found.

That's incredible, considering that this property is listed on both the state and national registers of historic places. It's pointless having such a distinction when the state law can't protect such important artifacts of our past.

This is precisely the challenge facing the legislative Heritage Caucus, a group of lawmakers focused on adding muscle to the state's pun!
y historic preservation safeguards.

No building or site should be utterly sacrosanct. There are reasons that a historic site could become less valuable; damage from fire or other events, or simply the cumulative damage of age can diminish a building's value to the public. But determining that takes time, so a proposed demolition should at least trigger a public review of the idea.

The caucus, with the help of experts, is researching model laws in other places, and that much is encouraging.

Last month, for example, Connecticut's law was invoked to set aside plans for demolishing a historic home in the town of Norwalk until a judge decides whether it should be saved. Such a cooling-off period should be considered in Hawai'i, as well.

The state's Heritage Caucus will meet this week to begin crafting revisions to state law. The key may lie in exploring tax incentives and zoning changes to help adapt historic properties to nonresidential use, preserving the sense of plac!
e that's appreciated by tourists and kama'aina alike

This should resonate with everyone. All of us mourn the erosion of Hawai'i's history, and the rallying cry to save the Walker Estate, with its stately residence and lovely gardens, has echoed in all corners. Stewardship is a duty not only for preservationists, but for all who view the Islands' past as key to its future.


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Article: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2007/Jan/04/op/FP701040304.html
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Walker Estate deal is off, officials report