Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Help NPS Uncover the Untold Stories of Women in History

Many historic sites throughout the nation have rich resources in women's history and opportunities to interpret that history but are under-utilized for public educational purposes. A limited number have been recognized for that history, but many other sites deemed nationally significant do not address the stories of the women who lived, struggled, or worked there.

Have you been impressed by programming at a historic site that reveals what are often the hidden stories of women?

Please let us know!

The National Collaborative for Women's History Sites and the National Park Service want to help landmarks uncover the lives of the women in their histories. We are developing a "best-practices" model based on case studies of sites that have incorporated women's history into their programming. Upon completion, the NCWHS and NPS will make the development model available to historic sites nationally and internationally through hard copy and web-based products.

Nominate a site as a case study by filling out an online survey:

By completing the survey, that site may be selected to be interviewed and highlighted in the best-practices publication! If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Turton at (215) 597-1726 or catherine_turton@nps.gov.

Grant Deadline Announcement - National Trust Preservation Funds

The National Trust's Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors

Are you seeking grant funding for a project that involves a historic interior? The Mitchell Fund assists in the preservation, restoration and interpretation of historic interiors by supporting project planning activities, workshops and conferences, and educational programs. In the past, funded activities have included paint analysis, the conservation of textiles, historic furnishing plans, and fundraising plans; but the Trust is always looking for more creative projects that go beyond the usual activities associated with historic interiors. Click here to get an idea of some of the more innovative projects that have been funded in the past.

Grants from this fund range from $2,500 to $10,000. Nonprofit organizations and government agencies are eligible to apply. Individuals and for-profit businesses may also apply if the project for which funding is requested involves a National Historic Landmark. An electronic application form can be found on the National Trust website. The postmark deadline is February 1, 2008.

February 1, 2008 is also the deadline for the Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation, the Hart Family Fund for Small Towns grant program, and the National Trust Preservation Fund grants. More information on these grants can be found on the National Trust's website, or by contacting the National Trust regional office in your area.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Propose a Session for 2008 National Preservation Conference

The National Trust for Historic Preservation invites you to submit a proposal for an education session for the National Preservation Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 21 – 25, 2008. We seek proposals that present critical issues that challenge communities across the country and cutting-edge historic preservation strategies and models that address these. We invite a broad range of proposals that include cultural, subject matter, and geographic diversity. Information is available at http://www.nthpconference.org/sessions/

Friday, January 11
Proposal submission deadline

National Trust reviews, refines and/or combines session proposals

Thursday, March 1
Affinity event application deadline

Week of March 10
National Trust notifies applicants of acceptance or rejection of proposal

March 10-18
National Trust revises session description for inclusion in Preliminary Program

Monday, April 7
Session managers receive budget and speaker paperwork

Friday, April 25
Session budget and final speaker information due

Monday, June 2
National Trust mails Preliminary Program to session manager, moderator, and speakers with taping authorization and audio-visual equipment request forms

Wednesday, July 30
Recording authorization forms due

October 21-25
National Preservation Conference 2008

Monday, December 1
Expense reimbursement requests due

Questions? Please contact conference@nthp.org.
Begin the online submission process for Field Sessions, Education Sessions, Poster Sessions, and Affinity Events now. -->

Application Now Available for 2008 Battlefield Preservation Grants

Proposals are now being accepted for the 2008 American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) Battlefield Preservation Grants. Non-profit groups, academic institutions, and local, regional, state, and tribal governments are encouraged to apply. Types of eligible projects include:
  • Archeology
  • Cultural Landscape Inventories
  • Cultural Resource Documentation
  • GIS Mapping
  • National Register Nominations
  • Preservation Plans

Since 1990, the ABPP has worked with partners like you to help protect and enhance more than 280 battlefields. Project funding has ranged from $5,000 to $75,000. The ABPP encourages, but does not require, matching funds or in-kind services for these projects. Deadline for all application is January 18, 2008. Application form and complete guidelines are available online at: www.cr.nps.gov/abpp.